What The Government Isn't Telling Us About Their CBDC | EP 12

What The Government Isn't telling Us About Their CBDC. A question we should all be asking. Buried deep in a government paper there is some dangerous language regarding the true implications of a CBDC.
Elon Takes over Twitter. What does it mean? is it good bad or a giant nothing burger. We get into a pretty intense conversation around perception on this.
✔ Special Guest: @hodlonaut
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► Citadel21.com
► defendingBTC.com
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► @plebstaverne - Intro graphics/Outro music
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0:00 - Intro
1:40 - BTC Stats
9:11 - Shitcoin Corner
32:11 - Hopium
58:52 - BTCPayserver Update
1:01:39 - SpaceCat/Hodlonaut chat Questions
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- Tags: Bitcoin CBDC pleb underground